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Dear chatbot…we need to talk

Are your invisible channels losing cash and customers?

C360 blog - dear chatbot

I hate automation. I do quite like self-service, but automation…nahh. It just doesn’t work in my humble opinion.

I am yet to find an IVR, IVA or chatbot that “delights” me. I have never experienced the feeling of “Oh fantastic, it’s a chatbot. This is such a great company I buy from.”

OK, we need to cut costs. We need to align service channels to customer value. But please, can we make the automated channels work? It is not difficult!

One of the biggest problems with automated channels is that they have their own menu structure and, in the majority of cases, this is static and not connected to any other intelligence. Annoyingly, many of the options or outcomes are exactly what you would find on the website anyway and is anybody listening to the sheer frustration and catalogue of broken processes these little beauties deliver? Honestly, CEOs really need a business report on what is going on in these invisible channels.

Just this week I “tried” to book my car in for a service. I had a 20-minute gap in my day, so I phoned. I heard: “Welcome to XYZ motors, I am sorry but we are too busy to answer your call. Please press 1234” – you know the story. The reminder email I was sent said: “Alternatively, click this link to schedule your service online.” Brilliant… self-service… Love it!

I was told: “Please enter your car registration.”

“Please enter your mobile number.”

“Thank you, we will ring you back.” NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

They still have not called me back.

Broken processes are costing business millions and causing a significant level of customer dissatisfaction. Time and again in calls and chats customers use phrases such as “talk to an agent”, hoping to bypass annoying and seemingly unhelpful automated systems.

There are, however, massive insights immediately available if you are using the right communication and call handling intelligence application. These tools are essential if senior management is to fully understand what customers are really feeling about their clever automated processes and whether these are, in fact, damaging the customer perception of your business and your service.

Implementing automation without this detailed intelligence gathering in place is actually a danger to your business rather than a cost-saving exercise. The good news, however, is that some modern toolsets are able to give you actionable insight in real time and maintain your focus on where processes and systems can be improved to continually nurture and improve customer relationships.

Can your speech analytics toolset deliver this?
If you want to take advantage of the benefits that speech analytics can offer, why not get in touch?